Maybe Baby Class Overview:
The Maybe Baby series is designed for prospective parents, singled or partnered, who are considering parenthood and interested in learning more about the options for building a family. The series covers a wide range of topics, including readiness, overview of adoption, assisted reproduction, and surrogacy; financial and legal issues; building a support network; decision making as a couple; considerations for single parenting; and the joys and challenges of being an LGBT-headed family. The class is designed to provide a balance of active discussion and sharing, as well as to gain practical, accurate information that helps set the foundation for moving forward.
In order to insure you get the most out of this class, please indicate your gender identity on the registration form. Your gender identity is an important piece of information for group facilitators to understand your needs as an individual or a couple, to identify the paths to parenthood that may be available to you, and assign you to the appropriate track of classes. Some classes are offered separately based on gender identity. All participants self-identify which they would like to be a part of.
Location: The DC Center, Reeves Municipal Building, 2000 14th St. NW #105, Washington, DC 20009
Cost: The cost is $250 per couple, $150 for singles.