Pre-Registration is now closed
Tickets may be purchased at the door for $85 per adult (member) or $120 per adult (non-member)
Kids Camp is now full
Thank you - See you May 4
Saturday, May 4, 2019 | Georgetown Day High School in Washington DC | 8:30am to 5:00pm | Breakfast & Lunch Included
The largest gathering of LGBTQ+ families in the region. A full day of education and activities that allow LGBTQ+ families, individuals, prospective families, and allies to learn more about the topics that matter.
This year's theme is "Now More Than Ever". We will have a very important Town Hall Meeting on legal concerns facing our families with the current political climate, featuring Shannon Minter, Legal Director of NCLR

What to Expect
- Town Hall Meeting
- Guest of Honor - NBC 4's Barbara Harrison
- Featured Speaker - Trystan Angel Reese
- Over 30 Important Workshops
Information and tools for LGBTQ+ families, prospective parents, and allies. Some of the planned workshop topics to include:

Our largest Resource Fair ever with many new businesses and service providers this year, many of whom are donating valuable giveaways and discounts. These businesses and providers are a part of, and/or committed to supporting, our community.
Activities for Kids
The adult registration fee below includes breakfast, opening session with Town Hall meeting, a full day of workshops, and lunch. The Kids' Camp & Tween/Teen Group registration fees include breakfast, a full day of age-appropriate activities, and lunch. Registration fees are non-refundable after April 4 and will be used for the attendance grant fund.
Adult Registration:
Through April 16: Members: $50 per person | Non-Members: $75 per person
April 17 through May 1: Members: $70 per person | Non-Members: $90 per person
Day of Purchase: Members: $85 per person | Non-members: $120 per person
Kids’ Camp Registration through April 22 ONLY:
Members: $30 per child | Non-Members: $50 per child
Tween/Teen Group Registration through April 22 ONLY:
Members: $30 per child | Non-Members: $50 per child
Teen Volunteer:
14 to 18 year olds who wish to volunteer during our Conference will receive service credits as allowed. Our teens have a great time hanging with the Kids Camp, helping at registration, etc.
Family Assistance Fund: If Conference registration fees present a barrier for you and your family from attending the conference, please send a private email to: info@rainbowfamilies.org. We never want a financial barrier to stand in the way of your ability to attend the Conference.

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Partner Sponsors
Jefferson Hotel DC | Ascend Financial | Hillwood Estates | Human Rights Campaign | St. Patrick's Episcopal Day School | Fairfax Cryobank | Comfort Inn DC Convention Center | MOCO Move | Grace Episcopal Day School | Time 4 Travel | First Home Care | Maret School | Family Forward Surrogacy | ARTparenting | Integrative Therapy of Greater Washington | R Family Vacations | EMD Serono
Community Sponsors
Temple Adat Shalom | Adventure Theater | Siena School |
Center for Adoption Support and Education | Adoptions Together | CommuniKids | Barker Adoptions | JSSA Adoption Options | Compassion Over Killing | Burgundy Farm School | Concord Day School | KidSave | Family Equality Council | PEP Parent
Lunch Partner 
Media Partner 
Program topics and workshop tracks subject to change. Attendees will need to sign a photography and liability release. Registration fees will be subject to cancellation policy. Rainbow Families, the tree logo, and Maybe Baby are trademarks of Rainbow Families. Rainbow Families is a non-profit, 501c3 organization, and we proudly serve LGBTQ+ families for over 20 years.