Rainbow Families proudly continues our Support Group for LGBTQ+ parents (and about-to-be parents) who are non-gestational carriers, regardless of gender or path to parenthood, to discuss concerns, roadblocks, triumphs and experiences related to being a non-gestational parent.
2023 Spring Series Dates: Feb 5 | March 5 | April 2
Sessions are Virtual - Available Nationwide - Rainbow Families Membership Not Required Free for Rainbow Families Members
During each session, the group will discuss topics related to experiences as a non-gestational parent ranging from pre-conception through parenting children up to age 5. Topics may include legal concerns, medical concerns, social concerns, parenting concerns and experiences/concerns of being "othered."
It is hoped registrants will attend all sessions to receive the most benefit from this type of support group. Space is limited to help maintain a sense of privacy, intimacy and safety to interact.
If you would like a fee waiver, reach out in confidence at No refunds. Dates/times may be subject to change; any changes will be communicated immediately.
Rainbow Families DC tm
5614 Connecticut Ave NW #309
Washington, DC 20015-2604
P: (202) 417-8897
Copyright 2018-2023 All rights reservedRainbow Families, the Tree logo, and Maybe Baby are trademarks of Rainbow Families DC. Use of our logo or name are prohibited without express permission.