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Capital Pride: Family Zone & Parade

  • 06/08/2024
  • 10:00 AM
  • 15th Street NW
  • 41


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

Happy Pride!

It's a tradition!  Rainbow Families DC has walked in the Capital Pride parade since 1998!  It's great for our families to experience - the cheering, support and outpouring of love from the onlookers is truly special. 

First, join our Family Zone at Stead Park from 10am untll about 2pm - registration not necessary.   We'll have activities, story time and more!

Then, walk with Rainbow Families in the PARADE! 

  • Please line up  between 1:30pm and 2:30 pm.  Look for the Rainbow Families Banner.  This map and all information was provided to us by CPA - we are in the RED ZONE (first ones in line), so begin to look for us at T street & 15th
  • The official step off is 14th Street at T Street NW, at 3:00 pm.  The route will finish at Pennsylvania Avenue and 9th Street!  NEW ROUTE THIS YEAR! SEE MAP BELOW! You can expect to be on the route for at least 90 minutes.
  • Be sure to bring plenty of sunscreen and water for your group!
  • Safety is everyone’s responsibility! Route marshals will be throughout the route. If you see something, say something. FULLY CHARGE YOUR PHONE and if you are able, bring portable chargers.
  • We have a limited number of walkers,  best to register now!
  • Feel free to bring a wagon, stroller, etc.
  • Information is provided to us by Capital Pride Alliance and will be updated as needed.

Here's one from our archives!  Were YOU there? 

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Rainbow Families DC tm

5614 Connecticut Ave NW #309

Washington, DC 20015-2604

P: (202) 417-8897   


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